Tuesday, June 28, 2011

FSWFitness - 110628

If you haven't read our introduction to Fire Service Warrior Fitness you should start with that.

Warm Up: 3 rounds (not timed) - 10 Sit-ups, 10 Push-ups, 10 Pull-ups, 10 Air Squats, 1 minute Plank hold, Shoulder Mobility, GOAT. (GOAT work should be 10 reps of a skill you struggle with.)

"Murph"  Run 1 Mile, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, Run 1 mile.  If you have a 20# weight vest or body armor wear it.  Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.

Mobility:  10 minutes of stretching/flexibility.

On June 28th, 2005 a four man Special Reconnaissance Detachment from SDV Team 1 comprised of Lt. Michael Murphy and Petty Officers Matt Axelson, Danny Dietz, and Marcus Luttrell became compromised by Afghan Civilians who reported the teams position to local Taliban fighters.  During the subsequent firefight all of the SEALs were shot multiple times yet fought on.  In a selfless act of valor Lt. Murphy left a position of cover to place a satellite phone call to summon a quick reaction force.  He was shot again after exposing himself to summon help for his team.  Ultimately only Marcus Luttrell would survive the engagement after Escaping and Evading to a friendly village.  For selfless bravery Lt. Michael Murphy was awarded the Medal of Honor.  You can read the official citation here.  Also, two books capture the life of Lt. Murphy and the men of Operation Redwings, Seal of Honor, and Marcus Luttrell's personal account, Lone Survivor.  We remember our heroes.


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Mobility WOD

Today is a rest day but if you need it get some mobility in.

Warm Up: 3 rounds (not timed) - 10 Sit-ups, 10 Push-ups, 10 Pull-ups, 10 Air Squats, 1 minute Plank hold, Shoulder Mobility, GOAT. (GOAT work should be 10 reps of a skill you struggle with.)

Gymnastics Skill: Accumulate 5 minutes of Plank Holds

Mobility:   On duty days try to get two separate mobility sessions in.  Early in your shift do a light warm up (1 round of our general warm up or 5 minutes of light jogging/calisthenics) and a 10 minute mobility segment.  Post skill work perform a second 10 minute mobility session.

Planks are a great core exercise to work on mid-line stabilization. Given the torsional loads placed on our spines when pulling hose and ceilings a focus on good mid-line/core strength from time to time will improve our ability to use our abs to maintain proper spinal alignment. Also, give serious consideration to regular massage and chiropractic care.  If you thought of yourself as a professional athlete you would demand this kind of longevity care.  You are an Industrial Athlete, get your self taken care of!

Adjust the dates as needed to match your On/Off Duty schedule.  Some options for other schedules are listed below.  If you have suggestions for other modifications please email them to us.

24 on - 72 off: On your 3rd day off duty repeat the Warm Up, Strength, and Mobility components that you need work on. 

48 on - 96 off: On your 2nd day on duty perform a light metabolic conditioning workout.  Run/Row 20 minutes at 60% of your Maximum capacity.

10 hour Day/ 14 Hour Night:  Complete the "Off Duty" workouts immediately after shift on your day tours.  Complete the "On Duty" workouts during your night tours.

Given the Metabolic Needs of Firefighters if you have a day you are on duty that does not meet our published schedule add in a 20 minute run or row at 60% of your maximum effort.  Your goal should be to have 60% of your maximum to be at least a 7 mph hour pace.  Work to this level if you aren't there yet.


  1. Ever notice how alll fire departments are primarily white? Ocassional token non-white here or there, but it seems obvious they reserve these soft easy money spots for those who fit their ideal for their "fraternity".
    And the pay/benefit package!!! This is an industry which needs privitization, let alone austerity.
    If not for that family those three men would still be alive.

  2. Esto se ve bien. Apreciamos su esfuerzo por traer este hasta
