Friday, January 14, 2011

Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself....

Video Blogging Comes To
That's right folks after messing around with recording, editing, and uploading for two hours or so, I am happy to tell you that my first Video Blog is now right here!

In the coming weeks I am going to take up each of the points that are on the Ethos page.  Give those a look.  For now, our first video blog is a bit about introductions.

Next Friday we will take up just what our duty is as Fire Service Warriors


  1. Good luck with the Video Blogging!! I will be looking forward to Fridays now. I just couldn't torture people with my ugly mug every week. I stay with my writing,

  2. Great words. Thanks for doing your part to reclaim the honor of the Fireservice. You make an important distinction between those that are content to bask in the glory and those that are determined to carry the torch. I'll be honored to spread word of your site to our Brothers in the Northwest.

  3. Chris,
    Way to get the flame started (or re-started) within the fire service. Keep up the great work and I will gladly spread your words to my fellow firefighters.

  4. Hi Chris

    Just want to say thank you for this blog. I am not on the job yet, but I have always seen a link between the firefighter and the warrior.

    I am very interested in the philosophies of the Stoics, Zen, and Taoism, and psychology(i.e. situational awareness), as well as developing our strength and conditioning to our highest potential.

    I think you got something here. Thanks
