Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Exception to the Rule

I have said and written here that you should not vent behind the Engine, because you will pull the fire on top of them.  That rule is 99.9% effective in preventing injuries to our Brother and Sister Fire Service Warriors.  Of course every rule has it's exceptions.  Take the video below.

November 17, 2010 Newark, NJ

So the front door is open, the line is ready to enter and then some Truck guy pops the front window.  Come on man! Right?

If you notice the picture window was already open, the Truck popped the side window which gives the Brother with the nozzle a chance to darken down the fire venting from the window reducing the chance of it wrapping around behind them.  Then the Engine makes their push into the building.  At the :17second mark we can see into the fire room, which is the living room just to the left of the front door.  Dollars to doughnuts the stairs are right in front of the Engine as the lead in.  I'm going to assume that when the Team gained entry to the front door they saw the fire was in the living room.  Rather than lead out to the rear (which would take time to go down and back) they quickly enter the front, get the line between the fire and and potential victims on the second floor and have a vent opening (the front window) to get the bulk of the products of combustion out.  Outstanding Job!

The only complaint I have is the Engine position right in front restricting the options for the Truck.  Remember Hose Stretches, Ladders Don't! 

Take this one and sit down with your crew for a quick drill one day.  What are do your SOG's say about making this attack?

1 comment:

  1. Great video for a group viewing and discussion. I totally agree with your comment about not stretching around to the back and coming back through the house... maybe there are some situations where you would want to do this, but how can people preach that stuff when you can simply PUT THE FIRE OUT from the front door/yard? I just dont get it I guess! Maybe if the layout and size up is difficult or complicated? As for the Truckies always wanting to break stuff... well, who can blame them?!!! I would imagine that just prior to the video start was a comment between the nozzleman and the vent guy that went like this... Truckie: "You guys ready or what?"... Nozzleman: "Yep, go for it Grape Ape!"... and the window gets taken, the nozzle is opened up for a quick knock and they move in to protect the stairs if necessary and put the fire out... Not sure why so many people take issue with this...
