Monday, May 9, 2011

Wait... A New Video Blog?!?

Yes, after a long couple of weeks of travel and being in the midst of a ton of research I've got a new Video Blog for you all.  This week is a fast look at my home gym and what I use to work on my FSWFitness.  Hope you enjoy.  Cheers.

Oh, and I should note I did misspeak in the video. My garage is just over 400 square feet and I use about 150 square feet of that as for my home gym.

As always please leave comments and keep referring people to the site.


  1. Chris may I suggest, getting a heavy tire and attaching a rope to it??

    Drag the heavy tire forward(specific:hoseline movement, strengthen the posterior chain, increase your conditioning) and drag the tire backward(specific:rescue, strengthen quads, isometric on forearm)

    Specific to firefighting and increase your conditioning

  2. comment deleted why???
