Monday, June 13, 2011

FSWFitness - 110613

If you haven't read our introduction to Fire Service Warrior Fitness you should start with that.

Warm Up: 3 rounds (not timed) - 10 Sit-ups, 10 Push-ups, 10 Pull-ups, 10 Air Squats, 1 minute Plank hold, Shoulder Mobility, GOAT. (GOAT work should be 10 reps of a skill you struggle with.)

Strength:  TOTAL! Find Squat, Press, and Dead Lift 1RM 

Mobility:  10 minutes of stretching/flexibility.

We use the CrossFit Total as a measure of overall strength.  If you are looking for resources for perfecting the key lifts we use check out

Warm Up: 3 rounds (not timed) - 10 Sit-ups, 10 Push-ups, 10 Pull-ups, 10 Air Squats, 1 minute Plank hold, Shoulder Mobility, GOAT. (GOAT work should be 10 reps of a skill you struggle with.)

Metabolic Conditioning: 5k Run, Max Effort

Mobility:  Time for a good cool down and stretching day.

Mobility WOD

Push hard today and see what your limits are!

Warm Up: 3 rounds (not timed) - 10 Sit-ups, 10 Push-ups, 10 Pull-ups, 10 Air Squats, 1 minute Plank hold, Shoulder Mobility, GOAT. (GOAT work should be 10 reps of a skill you struggle with.)

Metabolic Skill: 20 minute run at 60% of your Max Effort. 

Mobility:  Use your time from 110614 5k to establish your max average 1 mile time.  Run for 20 minutes today at 60% of that effort.   On duty days try to get two separate mobility sessions in.  Early in your shift do a light warm up (1 round of our general warm up or 5 minutes of light jogging/calisthenics) and a 10 minute mobility segment.  Post skill work perform a second 10 minute mobility session.

On Duty Days are not supposed to be taxing.  You have to be ready to respond mid-workout/post workout.  The focus is on developing skills, getting warm, and working on flexibility.  Front Squats can be particularly taxing on wrist and forearm flexibility.   Developing a good front squat will help in your other movements.  If you don't know your 1RM just work with an unloaded bar.

Adjust the dates as needed to match your On/Off Duty schedule.  Some options for other schedules are listed below.  If you have suggestions for other modifications please email them to us.

24 on - 72 off: On your 3rd day off duty repeat the Warm Up, Strength, and Mobility components that you need work on. 

48 on - 96 off: On your 2nd day on duty perform a light metabolic conditioning workout.  Run/Row 20 minutes at 60% of your Maximum capacity.

10 hour Day/ 14 Hour Night:  Complete the "Off Duty" workouts immediately after shift on your day tours.  Complete the "On Duty" workouts during your night tours.

Given the Metabolic Needs of Firefighters if you have a day you are on duty that does not meet our published schedule add in a 20 minute run or row at 60% of your maximum effort.  Your goal should be to have 60% of your maximum to be at least a 7 mph hour pace.  Work to this level if you aren't there yet.


  1. Assuming Press was a standing overhead press...

    Squat 345
    Press 155
    DL 305
    Total: 805

    Will be hitting a MobilityWOD tonight.

  2. Squat - 275 Tied PR
    Press - 130 Tied PR
    Dead Lift - 345

  3. Brian Brush 196lbs

    Squat 305
    Press 155
    Dead Lift 405 PR

    Total 865
