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Read a book, rest, eat.
Warm Up: 3 rounds (not timed) - 10 Sit-ups, 10 Push-ups, 10 Pull-ups, 10 Air Squats, 1 minute Plank hold, Shoulder Mobility, GOAT. (GOAT work should be 10 reps of a skill you struggle with.)
Weight Lifting Skill: Cleans 45 reps with 30% of your 1RM
Mobility: On duty days try to get two separate mobility sessions in. Early in your shift do a light warm up (1 round of our general warm up or 5 minutes of light jogging/calisthenics) and a 10 minute mobility segment. Post skill work perform a second 10 minute mobility session.
The Clean is a full squat clean. Here is a good video showing the Clean.
On Duty Days are not supposed to be taxing. You have to be ready to respond mid-workout/post workout. The focus is on developing skills, getting warm, and working on flexibility. If you don't know your 1RM just work with an unloaded bar.
Warm Up: 3 rounds (not timed) - 10 Sit-ups, 10 Push-ups, 10 Pull-ups, 10 Air Squats, 1 minute Plank hold, Shoulder Mobility, GOAT. (GOAT work should be 10 reps of a skill you struggle with.)
Strength: Cleans 10-8-6-4-3-3-3
Stamina: Clean 15@75% of 3RM, 50 Push Ups, 800m run
Mobility: 10 minutes of stretching/flexibility.
This is a great supplement to our skill work yesterday. The Clean is one of the best Olympic style lifting movements (in my opinion) for firefighters to learn power, speed, accuracy, and it gives the body an amazing neurological response when trained well. The Olympic Lifts change you in a way the will improve fireground performance. Go back and watch the video in the notes for the 18th.
24 on - 72 off: On your 3rd day off duty repeat the Warm Up, Strength, and Mobility components that you need work on.
48 on - 96 off: On your 2nd day on duty perform a light metabolic conditioning workout. Run/Row 20 minutes at 60% of your Maximum capacity.
10 hour Day/ 14 Hour Night: Complete the "Off Duty" workouts immediately after shift on your day tours. Complete the "On Duty" workouts during your night tours.
Given the Metabolic Needs of Firefighters if you have a day you are on duty that does not meet our published schedule add in a 20 minute run or row at 60% of your maximum effort. Your goal should be to have 60% of your maximum to be at least a 7 mph hour pace. Work to this level if you aren't there yet.
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